Helpful stuff

Introduction to the Dachshund and Lab Mix: The Dachsador

The Dachsador is a rare and endearing hybrid breed that combines a Labrador Retriever and a Dachshund. This hybrid combines the caring and devoted traits of the Dachshund with the fun and outgoing characteristics of the Labrador Retriever. As a result of its sociable and vivacious demeanor, the Dachsador makes a great family companion. History…

Things I think

Living in the Present: The Art of Mindfulness

We’ve all heard the phrase “live in the present,” but what does it really mean? And more importantly, how can we actually do it? The concept of living in the present is rooted in mindfulness, a practice that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to improve mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness is…

Random Questions

What is The Prospection Theory?

What is “The Prospection Theory”? It’s a theory in psychology that explains how people make choices and decisions based on how they think about the future. The Prospection theory suggests that people make decisions based on their perceptions of the future, rather than just their current situation. It explains that people have a natural ability…

Random Questions

What is the Focusing Illusion?

Ever heard of “The Focusing Illusion”? It’s a cognitive bias that occurs when people overestimate the importance or impact of one aspect of a situation or decision while underestimating the importance or impact of other aspects. The Focusing Illusion is rooted in the way our brains process information. When we encounter a problem or decision,…


What is The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?

I noticed this a while ago when I started driving a certain type of truck.  Every hear of “The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon”? It’s a phenomenon where a person stumbles upon a new word, concept, or piece of information, and then soon after, encounters the same thing multiple times in a short period of time. It’s also…

Random Questions

The Zeigarnik Effect and How We Remember Things

Just nerding out a bit today.  I love learning about stuff I didn’t know.  Dig into some old research to learn something new to you! Have you heard about “The Zeigarnik Effect”? It’s a psychological phenomenon that states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. The Zeigarnik Effect was first described…


What is the Dunning-Kruger effect?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias where people who are unskilled or lack knowledge in a particular area overestimate their ability and competence. It’s named after the two psychologists, David Dunning and Justin Kruger, who first described the effect in a 1999 study. The reason for this effect is that people who are unskilled…

Random Questions

What are perturbations?

So, I started looking into chaos theory, the butterfly effect, weather patterns and the like.  I came across a new word… Perturbations.  I had an idea of what it meant using context clues.  But after some more digging, here is my understanding of what a perturbation is. In the context of chaos theory and other…

How things work

How to Manifest Someone Back into Your Life

Manifesting someone back into your life can be a tricky process, but it is definitely possible. Whether you’ve lost touch with a loved one, or you’re hoping to reconnect with an ex, there are steps you can take to manifest the person you want back into your life. First and foremost, it’s important to have…