Random Questions

Random Questions

What is The Prospection Theory?

What is “The Prospection Theory”? It’s a theory in psychology that explains how people make choices and decisions based on how they think about the future. The Prospection theory suggests that people make decisions based on their perceptions of the future, rather than just their current situation. It explains that people have a natural ability…

Random Questions

What is the Focusing Illusion?

Ever heard of “The Focusing Illusion”? It’s a cognitive bias that occurs when people overestimate the importance or impact of one aspect of a situation or decision while underestimating the importance or impact of other aspects. The Focusing Illusion is rooted in the way our brains process information. When we encounter a problem or decision,…

Random Questions

The Zeigarnik Effect and How We Remember Things

Just nerding out a bit today.  I love learning about stuff I didn’t know.  Dig into some old research to learn something new to you! Have you heard about “The Zeigarnik Effect”? It’s a psychological phenomenon that states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. The Zeigarnik Effect was first described…

Random Questions

What are perturbations?

So, I started looking into chaos theory, the butterfly effect, weather patterns and the like.  I came across a new word… Perturbations.  I had an idea of what it meant using context clues.  But after some more digging, here is my understanding of what a perturbation is. In the context of chaos theory and other…

Random Questions

How Dangerous are Cows?

So I was visiting a farm recently and I was standing near a fence where some cows were hanging out.  I started thinking that if one of them actually took a run at me, I’d be in some trouble.  I recently remembered watching a video about a girl who said she thought cows were great…

Random Questions

Looking for Goldendoodle Puppies? Read this first.

Hey there! Are you thinking about adding a new furry friend to your family? If so, have you considered a Goldendoodle or a Mini Goldendoodle? These adorable pups have been growing in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. In this post, we’ll dive into all the details you need to know about Goldendoodles,…

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What are NFTs for Dummies Version

NFT stands for non-fungible token. NFTs are special kinds of digital things that are one of a kind and can’t be traded for other things that are worth the same amount. They’re often used to show that someone owns a piece of digital art, music, or other digital stuff. NFTs are kept on something called…

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Can lack of sleep make my ocd worse?

I haven’t been sleeping well lately This is what I found… Yes, lack of sleep can potentially worsen OCD symptoms. Sleep is an important part of overall health and well-being, and getting enough sleep can help regulate mood and manage anxiety. Lack of sleep can disrupt these processes and lead to increased feelings of anxiety…